Monday Morning: Marriage License & Let the Cat Outta the Bag

Tomorrow morning, I'll be truckin' myself down to the Clerk of Court to obtain a License for Marriage.  In 84 or so hours, I'll be Mrs. Miner Refiner.

What changes will this bring?

For one, I won't be white-lying anymore when I say " husband..." or when I sign Lola Refiner on certain documents.

I'll actually have a ring.

The kids will finally be able to say their parents are married.

I can join the local Christian homeschooling association if I want to (though I'm perfectly happy in the one I'm in).

We'll finally be a one-surname household.

I do regret we couldn't wait to plan a wedding as we would've liked before it became official.  That will take a little of the sanctity out of the "real" wedding when it finally does come around.  And I'll have to wait another year or so before I'm back down to my pre-pregnancy size, because there's no way I'm going to wear a bridal gown while I still have a baby pooch.

And tomorrow, we tell the kids about little #6 on the way.  More than anything, I'll be thankful they finally know the truth why I've been so out of it lately, and maybe they'll take it upon themselves to help out more around the house.  I already feel guilty enough, not having the energy to keep up with routine.

Lastly, I've got to give myself a pat on the back for passing on the evening cup of coffee for the past couple nights.  How many years has that been part of my bedtime ritual.  Instead, I opted for hot chocolate, which really isn't much better in the way of nutrition (if it's made with hot water, as mine was tonight), but at least it's not coffee.  I was able to say "No" again.  It's a start.


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